Pricing TBC
Pricing TBC
Autograph: £30
Selfie: £20
Autograph and Selfie: £40
Autograph: £15
Selfie: £10
Autograph and Selfie: £20
How many autographs can I get?
Each purchase is for ONE autograph only. You may purchase multiple autographs.
Can I request a guest to come?
You can - But we can't guarantee anything. "We" are a one person company without a big budget and are a growing company.
Where can I buy autographs and photos?
Guest autographs and selfies will be available to purchase on the day at their table. Prices will be online in advance.
For professional photo shoots you can book on the day at our photo desk.
If a guest cancels do I get a ticket refund?
Guests occasionally cancel due to other commitments. Tickets are only refundable if the event is cancelled not an individual guest.
Can more than one person be in a photo op?
Yes, more than one person can be in a photo op. One purchase allows 2 adults (and up to 2 under 12's) in one photo.
If you wish there to be more than 2 adults in a photo, the additional people will require their own ticket. 4 people MAXIMUM in a photo.
What kind of photo do I get?
You will receive a digital copy of your photo within 2 weeks after the event. Keep an eye on your emails for a link where the guest photos will be posted.
What time are photo shoots?
Photo shoot timings will be advised no later than 2 weeks before the event. If you miss your photo shoot time on the day we will be unable to rearrange or provide a refund.